LETS GET INTO business

Ready to collaborate with umob and drive the future of mobility? Whether you’re a brand, municipality, or a social guru, we’re excited to explore partnership opportunities that promote smarter and greener transport solutions.

Moving Your Business

Fast and Conveniently

Mobility partners

We’re always seeking innovative partners to extend our services and offer our users sustainable and smart transport solutions.


We’re eager to partner with cities that prioritize sustainable and smart mobility solutions for their residents. Interested in featuring your city’s services in the umob app?


We’re always looking to collaborate with like- minded businesses to offer innovative mobility solutions.

Social collabs

Are you an social guru and passionated about sustainable  mobility and urban innovation? We’d love to collaborate with you!

Green Choice

At umob, we empower users to make greener travel decisions through innovative mobility solutions. Let us tell you how we can collaborate and inspire more people to choose environmentally conscious ways to move!